The Head of the Ministry of Resorts took part in the "Development of all-season tourism in the South of Russia: new directions and opportunities" panel discussion within the framework of the event. Its participants discussed the impact of all-season tourism on the socio-economic development of the region and present-day tourism trends for the development of all-season tourist traffic.
Vadim Volchenko also spoke about the Wine Roads of Crimea project, which united dozens of wineries of the peninsula. This is both a wine and a gastronomic route, the participants of which can not only explore vineyards and wineries, but also taste dishes of the Black Sea cuisine. You can learn more about the Wine Roads of Crimea project in our material. To promote the project, the #Novemberfest thematic festival was developed. As part of this event, not only the wineries of the peninsula, but also other local agricultural producers (for example, cheese and seafood), gather on one site. Last year, the event was not held due to the epidemic situation, and in 2019 it attracted 12.5 thousand guests only on the main festival day. This year #Novemberfest will be held simultaneously with the Yalta International Economic Forum.
At the panel discussion Vadim Volchenko also spoke about the popularity of rural and industrial tourism, photo tours and health improvement in Crimea. He said that the latter type of tourism is year-round. At the same time, the prevention of diseases and rehabilitation of the upper respiratory tract is of particular relevance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Crimea is historically the place where there are climatic conditions for non-drug treatment, that is, health paths and walks in the Stankevich's pine or juniper grove, etc. This is all used to this day," he said.
"The South Coast is quite well developed area. We are now focusing on the main projects on the west coast, where there are beautiful sandy beaches. Our east is still underdeveloped, both from the point of view of year-round tourism and from the point of view of health improvement. Although there are all the resources for this, starting from balneological resources," the Minister said.
According to him, in the near future the Ministry will get scientific calculations that will make it possible to understand which type of tourism is most popular in this or that area and which health improvement opportunities each area has. Based on this, further work will be thought out.
The 27th Leisure International Tourism Forum and Exhibition is being held in Moscow from 7 to 9 September. Within the framework of the business program, over 30 events were planned with the participation of more than 160 speakers.