From January to June Tavria trains carried 800 thousand passengers to Crimea and back. This is 3 times more than in the same period last year, the press service of the Grand Service Express, transportation operator, reported.
"In the first half of 2021, Tavria trains carried more than 800 thousand passengers. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the growth reached 245%," the press service informed.
The company reminded that in the first half of this year the trains Murmansk − Simferopol and Moscow − Theodosia were launched. In mid-March, a car-carrier wagon was added to train No. 91/92 Moscow − Sevastopol. And the one millionth passenger of the Tavria train has crossed the Crimean bridge in March.
The most popular were train routes from the Russian capital to Simferopol and Sevastopol. So, in the first half of the year more than 100 thousand passengers traveled from Moscow to Simferopol.
"The passengers on the trains to Crimea and back are mainly families traveling on vacation with children. The length of the route is 1,500 km, the average duration of the trip was 24 hours. Every fourth passenger of Tavria trains was a child (children accounted for 25% of the total number of passengers)," the company reported.
Tavria trains connect the Crimean peninsula with more than 30 large cities in the Ural and North-Western regions, the central and southern parts of the Russia. Trains run from Simferopol to Moscow, Smolensk, Astrakhan, Omsk, Perm, Kislovodsk, Murmansk and Tambov. And from Sevastopol and Eupatoria − to Moscow and St. Petersburg / Pskov, as well as from Moscow to Theodosia.
Tickets to all destinations are available on the official website of the company without extra fees, at long-distance ticket offices at railway stations, at ticket offices and on the websites of sales agents. The advance sale of tickets is 90 days.