By the beginning of the holiday season, all the beaches in Crimea will be equipped with information boards on observing safety requirements. Memos to tourists will be placed on information boards at the entrance to the beaches.
By the opening of the official holiday season in Crimea, all the beaches will be equipped with the necessary information on observing safety requirements. This was announced by the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Vadim Volchenko during an online conference about preparation for the opening of the resort areas.
"Memo for tourists aimed at preventing the possibility of infection will be placed on information boards at the entrance to the beaches. Requirements and recommendations on the work of the beaches in this season were delivered to managers. The most common question is whether masks are needed on the beach, the answer is no, they are not needed, just keep a distance", — the minister said.
According to him, starting next week, the ministry will begin inspection trips to the regions in order to monitor the preparation of accommodation facilities and beach areas for receiving tourists.
In turn, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol Natalya Penkovskaya emphasized that all necessary safety measures should be observed during beach leisure.
"This is observance of the social distance between deckchairs from 1.5 to 2 meters, disinfection of all beach equipment, the observance of hygiene rules by vacationers", — the Chief State Sanitary Doctor emphasized.
This season 440 beaches are planned to open in Crimea by July 1. Bottom surveys have been carried out everywhere, the training of lifeguards and the issue of permits of operation is close to completion.