See also
Gastronomic tour of Crimea: what local products to taste


Master class on creating cosmetic products at the Crimean Rose plant

The calling card of the Crimean Peninsula and the first perfume and cosmetics brand created here is “Krymskaya Roza”, which dates back to 1930. It is included in the top 30 best practices of industrial tourism in the Russian Federation.

To touch the history of the family dynasty ‒ and the enterprise is already managed by the third generation of Crimeans ‒ and to learn how the first owner managed to achieve the flourishing of the factory in Soviet times, to save it during “perestroika” and preserve it for his grandchildren. For this purpose an overview tour “The History of Revival” was designed. The guests will also be told about the cultivation, collection and processing of Crimean roses, shown historical and modern equipment, introduced to the stages of cosmetics production ‒ from creating a formula to sticking labels on the packaging. In addition, guests will try the products and make a scrub or liquid soap with their own hands. Self-organized groups of both adults and children are admitted to the excursions after registration on the website.

Address: Simferopol District, Chaikino village, 8 Zavodskaya Str.

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TOP-5 winemakers of Crimea, which are worth visiting


WINEPARK ‒ Wine Tourism Center

WINEPARK ‒ Wine Tourism Center

WINEPARK, which opened in 2021, is a multifunctional project with a total area of 30 hectares with its own vineyard and gravity winery. The gravity winery is a four-level tower 54.5 m high. Three levels are underground and reach a depth of 26 m. Tastings take place in a panoramic room with a 330° view at a height of 45 m. In the wine shop guests are served by a robot sommelier.  People come here not only for excursions and tastings, but also to admire the unique architecture of the park, appreciate the promenade area with waterfalls, sculptures and art objects. To get to the territory, you need to purchase an entrance ticket, and the excursion objects in the park are charged separately. 

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Festivals, master classes, gastronomic dinners, etc. are also offered. More details are on the website of the Winepark.  
Address: Yalta municipality, Ponizovka village, 22 Primorskaya Str.

Alma Valley

Alma Valley Winery

Like WINEPARK, Alma Valley winery also operates on the gravity principle, that is, no machinery is used to press and pump grape must and wine during production. The winery was built in the Alma River Valley implementing a Swiss project and is considered one of the most modern in Russia. The tour starts at the highest observation deck of the winery, which is located at a height of 12 m above ground and goes through all the workshops ‒ from grape processing to the aging wine cellar. By the way, classical music is played in the Alma Valley wine cellar around the clock ‒ so that the drink develops more harmoniously. There is also an opportunity to try various wine samples: either with farm cheeses or with Crimean snails in garlic-cream sauce ‒ this is a new format for the 2024 season tastings.

Pre-registration for the excursion on the winery website is required.

Address: Bakhchisaray Region, Vilino village, 13 Vygonniy Lane.

Wine Park in the St. Sava Valley

Wine Park in the St. Sava Valley

The Wine Park in the Ai-Savskaya Valley is considered the oldest winery in Eastern Europe: 800 years ago, the Italian settlement of Casa-Karagachi was on this site, the inhabitants of which successfully produced this noble drink and even paid taxes on it to Genoa and Venice. The winery is located at the foot of Mount Perchem in Sudak. Excursion to the Museum of Viticulture and Winemaking is of greatest interest. It is located in a wine cellar built in 1882. An exposition of archival historical documents, archaeological finds and antiques is presented in the romantic glow of burning lanterns. Tastings are served there on oak barrels.  Registration for the excursion should be done on the website of the winery.

Address: Sudak, Ai-Savskaya Valley, 47b Alushtinskaya Str.

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In addition to classic cheeses, local technologists also produce “purely Crimean” sorts – with wine, lavender, mountain herbs, honey, mint and pink salt added.

“Wonderful Lavender”


A family company in one of the most picturesque corners of Alushta specializes in the production of soft and semi-hard cheeses. Here they offer “Immersion in artisan cheese making” excursion, which includes a master class on making young soft cheese (according to the owners, only there in Crimea they do such master classes), as well as a tasting of the company's cheeses in combination with honey, dried tomatoes, jam and herbal tea.  Prior to coming there you should register in the VKontakte social network group.

Address: Alushta, Vinogradnoye village, 7b Slutskogo Str.

”With peace for cheese”


They produce aged homemade cheeses using the milk of cows and goats that freely graze exclusively in the Belbek Valley with clean foothill air. The excursion program begins with a visit to the brewhouse, where you can see not only the brewing process, but also the draining of grainy curd, the formation of cheeses, etc. Then visitors are shown the salting room, the pre-mature chamber (this is where the natural crust is grown) and, finally, the storage room, from where the cheese goes on sale. The second part of the program is a tasting of about 8 varieties of this dairy product with specially selected snacks and local wine. Pre-registration in the VKontakte social network group is required.

Address: Bakhchisarai District, Plotinnoyeh village, 10a Zarechnaya Str.



The largest oyster and mussel farm in Russia is located on Lake Donuzlav, on the western coast of Crimea, in a water area of 150 hectares. The mollusks are grown in conditions as close to natural as possible, without the use of growth stimulants and hormonal drugs.

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Eastern sweets in the ethnic restaurant "Jeval"
Both group and VIP excursions are offered, for visiting all stages of the process. The “Crimean Seafood” farm is furnished with high-quality equipment, custom-made abroad. Its pride is two mechanisms ‒ a mussleboat and an oysterboat ‒ with an automated system for cleaning, calibrating and packing the catch. Guests will also enjoy a master class on opening oysters and a tasting of this delicacy with a glass of sparkling wine on the terrace of a restaurant on the farm's territory. VIP excursion participants will go out to oyster plantations on a professional boat with a captain-guide to take part in the exciting process of harvesting and skillful oysters opening, and then try them right on board, accompanied by sparkling wine and oyster stout ‒ dark beer of the highest fermentation. All the details are on the website of the farm.

Address: Eupatoria, Novo-ozernoyeh town, Donuzlav Lake, 12th pier.


Aroma trying

One of the most attractive places for agro-industrial tourism is comfortably located in the Belbek Valley mountains. The Viva Lavanda farm grows lavender in completely organic farming conditions and produces therapeutic essential oil. During excursions, participants will learn why lavender is planted in long, even rows, when and where lavender essential oil was first produced in Russia (spoiler ‒ in Crimea, of course!), how the steam distillation process goes, etc. The excursion ends with an aroma trying, which helps guests finally understand what essential oil consists of, why it has a wonderful aroma and a wide range of medicinal properties.

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Paleontological Museum of V. Verbitsky in Livadia
The farm is open all year round: you can come here to walk around the territory and have a photo session against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes, take part in master classes, visit a lavender-themed souvenir shop. You can book a visit on the website of the farm.

Address: Bakhchisaray District, Aromat village, 30 Pionerskaya Str.


Grape seed oil

V1VO is an innovative grape seed oil factory, the only one in the South of Russia, that processes grape seeds into healthy food products. To do this, the company cooperates with the largest Crimean wineries, which supply it with the necessary raw materials.

V1VO produces 12 types of oil, including those with the aroma of lime, garlic, rosemary, basil, red hot pepper, etc. Due to the rich complex of vitamins, the oil is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.
You can book a visit by phone +7 978 791-46-14 or +7 978 714-94-23.

Address: Bakhchisaray District, Otradnoyeh village, 93 Alminskaya Str.


Excursion to the enterprise "Krymskiy Sultan"

Technologists of the Krymskiy Sultan confectionery factory recreate old Turkish recipes, but at the same time use local natural ingredients: lavender, rose, herbs, berries, nuts, seeds. Master classes on making baklava, shortbread cookies with filling, Turkish rahaat-lukum in the form of pillows and rolls are held in the children's workshop, opened on the territory of the factory. Everyone can visit excursions to various workshops: they will allow you to understand what a path the delicacies take before they end up on store shelves. You can register for an excursion or master class by calling +7 978 856-86-73.

Address: Simferopol, 3 Khatije Chapchakchi Str.


Production of the beer and soft drink plant "Krym"

“Krym” brewery is the largest producer of beer, soft drinks, mineral and drinking water in the region for more than 40-years. Guests older than 18 years can come and witness the main stages of classic beer production, learn about the range of products ‒ and today the plant produces 14 varieties of beer from natural high-quality raw materials ‒ and watch the process of packaging. Such excursions are held free of charge, every Friday, on prior appointment.

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The brewery also conducts a study tour to the “lemonade country”, which includes a demonstration of the bottling line and work of water treatment station, a story about the technology of producing sweet sodas and watching of a thematic film. The lemonade recipe has not changed since Soviet times.  Technologists of the “Krym” brewery traditionally use natural sugar color (prepared by heating sugar), which gives the drink a straw-golden color. Details can be found on the brewery website.

Address: Simferopol, 12 Geroyev Stalingrada Str.


Snail dish

The tourist attraction named “Mama Dema” Snail Farm invites individuals and groups excursions to tasting, gastro dates, culinary master classes, as well as to agro-industrial excursions with full immersion in farming. The guests will watch cute mollusks, see their real “kindergarten” and a box for hunger treatment, learn about the methods of their reproduction, how much caviar each snail lays, and also put a “horned” creature on their palm and feel its smooth sliding.

The most beautiful view of the mountains and Alushta opens up from the tasting room, which is at an altitude of 400 m above sea level. There is also a cozy café where you can enjoy dishes of snails, including a unique pâté made from snail liver. Excursions with tastings require prior registration on the Snail Farm website.

Address: Alushta, Verkhnyaya Kutuzovka village, 77 Lesnaya Str.


Ice cream production at the Dobroyeh ice cream factory


The Dobroyeh ice cream factory is located on the slope of Mount Chatyr-Dag. Both classic and game tours are held there for everyone. During the classic tour guests can see the production facilities, enter the viewing gallery and watch through the glass the work of the conveyor for packing and packaging ice cream, watch a thematic film, take pictures in photo zones and taste 4 types of the cold treats.  Participants in the game tour are divided into teams and perform various tasks, and the most interesting ‒ guess the secret component of ice cream. Tours are organized on prior registration in the VKontakte social network group.

Address: Simferopol District, Dobroyeh village, 10a Sovkhoznaya Str.

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View of Ai-Petri from Simeiz