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According to the press service of the Ministry of Resorts of the Republic of Crimea, the reconstruction of the Station was carried out for the first time. Since it had been launched in 1926, no work was carried out to modernize the Station.

"The lake was clearly in danger, there was a threat of losing the deposit, as well as the volume of production that we are obliged to give to the health resorts complex for the treatment and recovery of people," said Valentin Ivanitsky, director of the enterprise.

The Station excavates mud, pumps brine and mineral water, and also produces mud-based cosmetics. To date, the company creates 76 items of 18 types of mud and cosmetic products.

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In 2017-2020, 27 new cosmetic products under the Crimean SPA Product brand were developed and tested, and unique mud-based cosmetic procedures for the domestic spa industry are being introduced on their basis. In 2021, the enterprise produced more than 3 thousand tons of therapeutic mud and more than 13 thousand cubic meters of brine. The reserves of silt sulfide highly mineralized therapeutic mud of the Saki deposit in the Eastern (exploited) and Western (reserved) basins are estimated at about 5 million tons.

The Crimean Hydrogeological Station provides hydro-mineral resources of Lake Saki and balneological products based on them to 140 health resort institutions and SPA centers in Crimea and other regions of Russia. At the same time, more than 65% of manufactured products are marketed in Crimea, more than 30% − in the mainland of the Russian Federation. The main large customers of products are the health resorts of Saki and Eupatoria. The products are also delivered to the Palmira Palace resort hotel, the Belarus, Dnepr, Dülber, Miskhor health resorts and others. Besides these, Saki mud is also used in Perm, Orenburg, Samara, Bashkortostan, mud baths in Vladikavkaz, Kazan, Penza, Vladivostok, Izhevsk, etc.

Wellness procedure in the sanatorium "Saki"

The possibility of expanding deliveries of Saki mud to the Republic of Belarus health resorts is being discussed. During the official visit of the Crimean delegation to this country, a number of working meetings were held with the officials of the Republican Tourism Industry Union and the Centrkurort company, which is under the President of Belarus administration, and the officials of the trade mission of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, where an increase in the supply of Crimean wines and essential oil products was discussed, as well as Saki mud, medical preparations and applications based on it, their promotion and sale with the participation of Belarusian state enterprises, participation in business missions and events on the territory of the Republic.

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"Interest in Crimea as a health resort and a supplier of our medicinal resources is extremely high. In addition, today the world-famous Saki therapeutic mud is the basis for the development of a powerful balneological resort, and thanks to the Federal Targeted Program, the region is prepared for coming of an investor and it contributes to investing in modern medicinal and recreational complexes. Saki therapeutic mud is the "black gold" of Crimea, the effectiveness of which is many times higher than world analogues, they cure more than 100 diseases," Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Vadim Volchenko said.

In 2019 and 2021, the Crimean Hydrogeological Station became the winner of the Zdravnitsa-2019 All-Russian Forum prize in the nomination "The best enterprise for bottling mineral waters and packaging therapeutic mud".

By the way, Saki mineral mud is a complex physical and chemical system of natural origin, which includes a mud solution, a mineral base, an organo-mineral colloidal complex and a biological component represented by bacteria, fungi, microalgae and protists, as well as their metabolic products. Dark gray, soft, with a hydrogen sulfide smell, the mud has a pronounced balneotherapeutic effect. Saki mud and brine in their composition favorably differ from the minerals of the Dead Sea.

Saki mud

Medical indications of the external application of Saki mud are for people suffering from:

  • Diseases of the nervous system (diseases and consequences of injuries and operations of the central and peripheral nervous system);
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatic diseases of the joints, degenerative diseases of the joints and spine, diseases of the periarticular soft tissues, osteopathy and chondropathy);
  • Respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia in remission, etc.);
  • Diseases of the digestive system (diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, intestines, liver, gallbladder, etc.);
  • Urological and gynecological diseases (diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the male genital area, chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs);
  • Skin diseases (chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, others);
  • Ear diseases, throat and nose (chronic sinusitis, laryngitis, mesotympanitis, neuritis of the ear nerve, etc.);
  • Dental diseases (periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, others);
  • Surgical diseases (early after surgery for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, cholecystectomy, after surgery on the joints, etc.).
Laboratory of the Crimean Hydrogeological Regime and Operational Station
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Laboratory of the Crimean Hydrogeological Regime and Operational Station

Tourist portal of the Republic of Crimea, Aleksey Tseselsky