A visit to the Kazantip and Opuk Reserves is possible with or without a guide. How to do this − read below.
An unguided individual tour
Without a guide you can walk along three trails. Free access time is from 08:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. So, for unguided tour there are routes:
• Two routes on the territory of the Kazantip Reserve: 'Coast of Stone Crocodiles' (6 km long, 2.5 hours walking time) and 'Antique Kazantip' (3.7 km and 3 hours). They are open every day except Monday. More information about these routes can be found here.
• One route on the territory of the Opuk Reserve: 'Priozyórny' (5 km, 2 hours). You can visit it any day of the week. How the trail goes and what you can see during the walk – please, find here.
There is another option for getting a permit: you need to select the route you like and click on the 'Issue a permit' button. The algorithm of further actions will be the same as above.
When applying for a permit, you will be advised to read the rules for visiting reserves − do not ignore this prompt.
A guided group tour
With a guide, you can visit two routes − one in the Kazantip Reserve and one in the Opuk Reserve.
• 'Antique Kazantip' − every Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 a.m. You can apply for a permit here.
• 'Opuk Trail' − daily at 10:00 a.m. and at 02:00 p.m. To apply for a permit go here.
The cost of a guide escort service in both territories is 250 rubles (about $ 3) per person. There are also two preferential rates (100 rubles and free). You can choose one of the offered routes, read information about it and purchase a ticket only online on the website of the Zapovedniy Krym. This information is available at the above links.
All questions about visiting the reserves can be asked by phone: + 7 978 236 82 46. Calls are answered on weekdays from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.