Russian tourists plan to spend their spring vacations in Crimea. The rating of cities for travel includes Yalta and Sevastopol. This is evidenced by the data of the vacation booking site.
"Crimea leads in the rating of destinations for spring travel. 22% of tourists plan to meet spring in Yalta, 20% − in Sevastopol. Another eleven percent of Russians will go to see magnolia and mimosa blossoms in Sochi, and ten percent of travelers have booked hotels and apartments in St. Petersburg for May to see the icebreaker festival and the spring opening of fountains in Peterhof," analysts specified.
Sheregesh, Pyatigorsk, Kazan, Lahdenpohja, Moscow, Dombai have also got into the top ten most popular tourists destinations.
Analysts of the vacation booking site note that tourists book spring holidays from 2 to 7 nights and spend from 1.5 to 8.9 thousand rubles (about $ 20-120) per day on accommodation. Fifty percent of Russians book hotels for spring trips.
Tourists are planning to stay a week in Yalta and spend 2,713 rubles (about $ 36) per day, in Sevastopol − 4 nights for 2,794 rubles (about $ 38) per day.