Vacations Booking Service identified the most popular holiday destinations in August. The rating was headed by Eupatoria.
"August is the last month of summer holidays, and about 40% of families with children prefer to relax by the sea in August," the experts noted.
Therefore, it is not surprising that for such travelers the first place in the TOP-10 most popular destinations was taken by Eupatoria − a popular family resort on the western coast of Crimea. On average, they book 10 nights here and are ready to spend 3,181 rubles ($ 43) per day.
In the top three there were also the Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia. Besides, in August, Russians will go on a trip to the Leningrad, Rostov, Moscow and Tver regions, the Stavropol Territory, Karelia and Tatarstan.
According to experts, the average price for a family of three is up to 30 thousand rubles ($ 400) per day.
At the same time, according to their data, 27% of travelers choose a vacation as a couple. Another 18% are women with children and 10% are companies.