See also
The scheme of traffic at the Simferopol airport has changed
Car on the highway in Crimea
"On June 19, the airport received and dispatched a total of 268 passenger flights. In all previous years, daily traffic did not exceed 250 flights. And on June 20, for the first time this year, and for the first time in history, in June the daily passenger traffic exceeded 40 thousand passengers. Previously, the airport served such a number only in August and September 2020 − so far it was the air harbor traffic record period for the entire period of observations," the airport informed.

This season, the Simferopol Airport operates under conditions of record passenger traffic. The maximum figures for a long time of observations were reached not only in traffic, but also in the route network development, which already amounts to 63 destinations.

See also
COVID-19 restrictions in Crimea expanded: what is changing for Crimeans and tourists
View of Ayu-Dag