The trend of high demand for 4 and 5-star hotels operating on the "all-inclusive" system continues in Crimea. They are first to sell out for the summer of 2021. Executive Director of the ATOR Maya Lomidze said this during a press conference in the Moscow-Simferopol TV bridge.
During the long May holidays, the hotel luxury segment of the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory was sold out by 90-95%. Market experts expect similar demand in the coming summer, M. Lomidze is sure.
"This is the most demanded product. First of all, expensive luxury hotels are being bought up. This is the picture both in domestic tourism and in foreign destinations," M. Lomidze said. "The most active travelers in Russia and abroad are wealthy citizens with average and above average income."
Industry experts record changes in consumer behavior. In particular, the number of Russians traveling by car has increased. Also, tourists try to take advantage of the cashback campaign to make their vacation more cost-effective. In addition, many now do not plan trips in advance, but "rush for escape" just a few weeks before the date of the vacation, the head of ATOR noted.
"The lag of booking in comparison with previous years is still small, tourists book a maximum of 2-3 weeks in advance. For now, people are cautious to book for a long period in advance, because they are afraid of price surges that could affect their stay at our resorts," M. Lomidze said.
Nevertheless, travel experts have already noted an increase in the rate of booking holidays for the second half of the summer. Of course, the lion's share is domestic tourism. As for Crimea, the most popular destinations for the upcoming season are Eupatoria, Theodosia, Yalta, Koktebel and other resort towns of the peninsula.
As previously reported by the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Vadim Volchenko, during the May holidays, tourists occupied about 700 officially registered accommodation facilities. Five-star hotels were 95% occupied on average, 4-star hotels ― 90%, 3-stars ― more than 75%. In total, more than 520 thousand people spend their vacations on the peninsula during this period.