"The villages of Nikolayevka, Miskhor, Morskoyeh, Chernomorskoyeh, Mezhvodnoyeh, the village of Olenyovka in Crimea, as well as the village of Golubitskaya, the villages of Arkhipo-Osipovka, Kabardinka and Olghinka in the Krasnodar Territory made up a top ten budget and "quiet" resorts for autumn 2020", — the experts reported.
Tourists book holidays at the sea shore during the velvet season for a period of 7 to 12 nights and plan to spend from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles ($ 20-40) per day on accommodation. The cheapest place to relax is Mezhvodnoye (Crimea). There the Russians are expected to spend the most time − 12 nights.