The Peninsula continues to break records: by now more than 7 million tourists, 10% more than in 2018, spent their vacation in Crimea. Most travelers arrived to us over the Crimean Bridge.
7,2 million tourists spent their vacations in Crimea in January-November 2019, which is 10% more than the figures for the same period in 2018, the press service of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea Republic informed.
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57% of the total number of travelers came to us over the Crimean Bridge, 28% arrived by plane, 15% arrived across the state border of the Russian Federation at the check points of Armyansk, Dzhankoy, Perekop.
Most of the tourists − 48,7%− from the beginning of the year stayed on the South Coast of Crimea, 24,8% − on the West Coast, 14,5% − on the East Coast and 12% − in other regions (Simferopol, Simferopol and Bakhchisaray districts).
"Additional logistic facilities, efficient operation of the airport and the Crimean Bridge, adequate hotelier’s policy, improved quality of hospitality services, variety of tourism and sightseeing programs and events in resort towns and at the hotels, information support and coordination by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea Republic − all this brings Crimea to the leading positions among the most popular tourist destinations", — said Vadim Volchenko, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea Republic.
Besides, this year the New Year's holidays in Crimea are much in demand and it grew by 13%, the accommodation facilities occupancy is up to 100%. Moreover, Simferopol was in the TOP-5 of popular Russian cities for winter travel. More and more tourists prefer to come to the peninsula with children, choosing s not only health-resort recreation, but also new tourist routes.