Crimea: it is warm
No doubt, one of the key benefits of a velvet season vacation is the weather. Unlike other regions of Russia, autumn is in no hurry to come here and approaches closer to the end of October.
● In September, the air temperature reaches +30°C (86°F), the sea water is at least +24°C (75°F).
● In the first half of October the air temperature is within + 20…25°C (68…77°°F), water is from +20…22°C, (68…71°F) depending on the place on the coast.
● In late October and early November the air temperature gradually goes downbelow +15°C (59°F), and the sea is slowlylosing warmth.
Thus, until mid-autumn, you can swim and sunbathe in the warm, but not exhausting sun, and as well to have walks and go on excursions, especially since there are offers for every tastenow.

Crimea: it is beautiful
Most of the Crimean attractions are open all year round. At the same time, the main flow of tourists has already subsided in the autumn and it becomes much easier to get to this or that place. There are fewer queues; it is easier to get tickets. Ancient towns-states and caves, luxurious palaces and museums, monuments of history and archeology − all this can be seen calmly and leisurely in autumn.
As an option:
● Go up to Mangup-Kale. A medieval fortress city between the villages of Zalesnoyeh and Ternovka in the Bakhchisaray district, on the mount of about 600 meters above sea level. The capital of the Theodoro Principality was once on Mangup before it was captured by the Turks who made it their fortress. Beautiful promontories, grottoes and the remains of the fortress attract tourists.
● Descend to the Red Caves (Kizil-Koba). This is a complex of caves of several levels on the promontory of Dolgorukovskaya yayla, 3 km from the village of Perevalnoye, Simferopol district. Here you can see intricate labyrinths, large and small underground halls and even the Kizilkobinka underground river, forming the picturesque Su-Uchkhan waterfall at the exit from the rock. And around the caves there are picturesque surroundings and places suitable for outdoor recreation.
● Walk around the ancient Chersonesos (Χερσόνησος). This is a museum-preserve in Sevastopol, where the ruins of old buildings, fortress walls and amphorae have been excavated and preserved. Here is the majestic Vladimir Cathedral. Prince Vladimir,as it is established,was baptized into Christ on the territory of Chersonesos.

Crimea: it is colorful
In autumn it becomes possible to see the peninsula in completely different colors. Crimea "dresses up" in multi-colored clothes: here and there you can see yellow, red, brown and even green islands of vegetation. The nature of the mountainous and forest Crimea is especially pleasing with its variegated colors. You can make vivid photo sessions, for example, here:
● Phoros Church on the South Coast. This is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, built in 1892 on a steep cliff at an altitude of over 400 meters above sea level. From here a fabulous view of the South Coast and the mountains opens up. A very beautiful winding road leads to the church from the Sevastopol-Yalta highway, which in itself is interesting photo scenery.
● Vineyards. For example, in Sun Valley, Balaclava or Greater Yalta. They occupy huge areas, so you will not miss them when searching. Moreover, they immediately catch the eye with their colors. This is one of the top autumn photo scenery for both tourists and Crimeans.
● Demerdzhiis a mountain range, which many consider the most beautiful in Crimea. Here, amid the colorful trees and bushes, lies the Valley of Ghosts, famous for its bizarre natural stone sculptures. They resemble animals, birds, people and giants. The mountain rises above the village of Luchistoyeh (Greater Alushta). Walking tour to the Valley of Ghosts will take 2-3 hours.

Crimea: it is delicious
In addition to Crimean fruits and berries, abundant here in autumn, treat yourself to natural Crimean products. For example, cheeses in local cheese farms. Where to find them? Our detailed guide will tell you. Or Black Sea seafood, for example, in restaurants in seaside places. So you can design your personal gastronomic tour in advance and include in it, for example:
● Dishes of ostrich meat from the Exotic farm in Kerch.
● Forshmak of oysters and pilaf with seafood at the Yakhont oyster farm in Katsiveli.
●Dymlama, yufak-ash and other Crimean Tatar dishes from the chefs of the ‘Visiting Crimean Tatars’ ethnographic center in Bakhchisaray.
● Mullet and red mullet, pike perch, horse mackerel and other local fish at Fishka fish restaurant in Kerch or Barkas fish restaurant in Sevastopol.
● Rapana paté and beef dishes at the Chaika restaurant in Yalta.
● And, of course, the famous Crimean wines. This is a matter of taste, since there are many large wineries and small private wineries on the peninsula and everyone has their own interesting wines. It can be sparkling wine of Novy Svet or Zolotaya Balka, Massandra dessert and fortified wines, Inkerman classic vintage wines and Alma Valley naturally sweet wines, Pavel Shvets’ or Oleg Repin’s signature wines. In a word, the choice is yours.

Crimea: it is forever
Don't forget about other autumn "zests" of the peninsula. First of all, this is an abundance of health programs in health resorts and hotels, as well as climate therapy, which is so important today. In Crimea, by the way, the climate therapy is available to everyone without exception. Good weather allows you to enjoy the sun and air baths, with aroma of coniferous trees and the smell of the sea breeze, even on a walking tour. So walk, breathe and strengthen your body. Secondly, these are the opportunities for sports and active recreation. Hiking, rock climbing, extreme and sea activities, while the weather still allows you to relax as you please. And thirdly, prices. They decrease gradually after the high holiday season, and it is much more affordable to relax in the hotels and health resorts of the region with the benefit for body and soul. So, as you can see, the advantages prevail. Don't miss the chance to extend your summer. And remember: it is always a right season in Crimea!