See also
Chrysanthemum Ball at the Livadia Palace: admire, breathe in, take pictures
Chrysanthemum Ball
22% of respondents voted for the Valley of Ghosts, which is located on the western slope of the southern Demerdzhi ridge in the Alushta District. There are bizarre figures of stone, looking like people, animals, various objects and mysterious creatures.

Also in the rating of the most mystical places are:  the Death Valley in the Kamchatka Territory, the Ukok Plateau in the Altai Mountains, Mount Vottovaara in Karelia, the Dargavs necropolis on the Red River in North Ossetia, the Aniva lighthouse on Sakhalin Island, the Kalyazinsky bell tower in the city of Mologa, Yaroslavl Region.

See also
Museums in 3D: Massandra Palace
Massandra Palace
Less popular are the Shushmor Wood and Swamp in the Moscow Region, the dead city of Kadykchan in the Magadan Region and the Kashkulak cave in Khakassia.