Experts from the vacation booking service have found out where families with children can go to relax in September and October. The rating was headed by Eupatoria.
In this Crimean resort town vacation in the velvet season costs an average of 2,987 rubles ($ 40) per day. Tourists plan to stay in Eupatoria for an average of 12 nights.
The TOP-10 also includes Sochi, Gagra, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kislovodsk, Voronezh, Nizhniy Novgorod, Moscow and Saratov.
Experts noted that tourists book vacations with children during the velvet season for a period of 1 to 12 nights, and they will spend from 1.6 thousand to 3.9 thousand rubles ($ 21-52) per day on accommodation.
The list was compiled on the basis of data on accommodation booking for tourists with children for September and October 2021.